
The WIM User's Manual has over 130 pages and is available as a PDF  (warning: it is over 1 MB in size and may take a long time to download).

The WAM User's Manual  has documentation on the WIM Automation Module (WAM). WAM is for performing complex operations on series of images.

The best way to learn WIM is by doing practical exercises. We can organize a hands-on Satellite oceanography course at your location. Each participant will get a DVD with over 4 GB of real satellite data and the complete WIM/WAM software. Timetable and topics for a sample course in 4 days are shown here.

You can also learn WIM on your own by studying the various exercises. You have to find your own sample datasets for the exercises.

Currently we have the following sets of exercises:

Practical exercises with WIM and WAM

Creating a Chl-a movie for South China Sea

Exercises for detecting Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)

Exercises using MODIS 250-m bands

Exercises using ASTER L1B data

Working with OLCI Level-2 data

Working with SGLI Level-2 data

Exercises using sea level height data

Merging full-resolution, Level-2 Chl-a and SST data

Merging SST data

Edge detection with WIM and WAM

EOF and PCA analysis with WAM and its Application to South China Sea

Tutorial "Variance and anomaly analysis with WIM/WAM"

Tutorial "Detection of change with WIM/WAM"

Tutorial "Estimating primary productivity with WIM/WAM"

Tutorial "Validation of satellite data with WIM/WAM"

Examples of various projects performed using WIM and WAM are shown here.

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